Certificaat Kwaliteitstoetsing voor Arcadis
Certificaat Kwaliteitstoetsing voor Arcadis
Op maandag 11 juli ontvingen CEO Neil McArthur, CFO Renier Vree and Director Internal Audit Leonard Boogers van Arcadis, het Certificaat Kwaliteitstoetsing uit handen van Robert Bogtstra, partner bij FSV Risk Advisory, de uitvoerder van de kwaliteitstoetsing.
“Being in Internal Audit is not easy, as you need to challenge the business. However, we receive positive feedback from our regional leadership teams about the constructive manner in which audits are undertaken, congratulations to the team”, said Neil McArthur.
Leonard Boogers: “Over the past years, we have established and implemented best practices to support our organization in identifying fundamentally important issues before they become substantial problems. Being awarded this important credential acknowledges our firm’s professional approach to the internal audit function. Receiving this accreditation is therefore an important milestone in our journey toward a professional and embedded practice of internal audit within Arcadis. By providing assurance on risk management, governance, and internal control processes, internal audit has become an integral part of Arcadis’ global, harmonized way of working.”
Bron: https://www.iia.nl/actualiteit/nieuws/certificaat-kwaliteitstoetsing-voor-arcadis